Our Institution

Our Chronical Diseases Infirmary “Diakonia Agapis” is a non-profit organization belonging to the Holy Diocese of Thivai and Levadeia.

DIAKONIA_OUTSIDE2It was founded in 1990 aiming to offer social care with love to our fellow people of both sexes, in priority to persons with chronic health problems.


20150319-IMG_1126_smallThe capacity of the Institution is 30 beds, housed in a four-storey building, located in the city centre of Thiva and has 17 rooms(double or triple) and accept people of both sexes with chronic health problems.

20150319-IMG_1132_smallThe staff consists of medical, nursing, social worker, administrative and assistants. We also have volunteer doctors of various specialties (ophthalmologist, dentist, surgeon, pulmonologist, dermatologist, etc.) when circumstances require.
