
erasmusOur  Institution has been certified providing voluntary services to volunteers from foreign countries with the support of the European Programme Erasmus+  under the action of “European Voluntary Service“.

The aim of the European Voluntary Service is to support young people’s participation in  voluntary activities inside and outside the European Union.

Call for Volunteers

ERASMUS+ European Voluntary Service(EVS)
Project Title: “DIAKONIA
Project dates: November 1st, 2016 till July 31st. 2017. (9 months)

We are selecting for the next iteration of our project, that takes place in “Diakonia Agapis” Chronical Diseases Infirmary in Thiva, Greece.

We are looking for young passionate volunteers that are:
– 18-30 years old;
– willing to follow the daily program
– capable to create activities with simple materials by using their hands;
– skilled to provide physical education activities;
– open minded, in basics self-independent, responsible and with a strong
motivation for international youth work and intercultural communication with
elderly persons;
– capable to help in preparing international youth exchanges and activities;
– motivated to learn basic Greek phrases in a short time;
– playing an musical instrument which will be mostly appreciated;
– able to communicate in english.